Welcome to the Sunnybank Special School Early Childhood Development Program (ECDP). Our program provides early intervention for children from birth to 5 years who require intensive, multidisciplinary support to develop the skills and behaviours necessary to maximise their learning and participation as they transition to school.

What We Do
The Sunnybank Special School ECDP plays a different but complementary role to the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS), Early Childhood Early Intervention (ECEI) supports, and local kindergartens. Our services cater to children with disabilities or suspected disabilities in one or more of the following areas:
- Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD)
- Hearing Impairment
- Intellectual Disability
- Physical Impairment
- Speech Language Impairment
- Vision Impairment
High-Quality Early Childhood Intervention
Children attending the Sunnybank Special School ECDP are provided with high-quality early childhood intervention programs, delivered by qualified specialist teachers, with support from a multidisciplinary team of Education Queensland therapists. Our team has extensive knowledge and experience working with children who have disabilities and developmental delays.
Our Programs
Playgroup can be accessed with a parent or carer every Wednesday (9.00am-11.00am) during the school terms. The program is run in collaboration with
Play Matters Australia and while we have a focus on children under 3 we encourage all to join us. Playgroup sessions facilitate networking opportunities with other parents, guidance and support strategies and access to regular guest speakers.
Kindergarten/Pre-Prep programs are offered as a five hour a week service and can be accessed independently from 3 years of age. These programs are provided in a structured and supportive environment aimed at helping prepare your child for future schooling. The service is intended to complement your child’s kindy program. They are offered in two different formats, either our two half days or one full day depending on availability and age.
The Sunnybank Special School ECDP places a strong emphasis on working collaboratively with families, early childhood education centres, and the child’s future school to ensure a smooth and successful transition into Prep. While Education Queensland provides ECDP services, attending the program is not the same as formal enrolment at a school. Our goal is to ensure your child is ready for their transition to formal schooling.
Contact Us
We invite you and your family to learn more about how the Sunnybank Special School Early Childhood Development Program (ECDP) can support your child’s growth and development and how you can enrol.
If you have any questions or would like to discuss your child’s eligibility, please don’t hesitate to get in touch as we look forward to partnering with you to ensure your child’s educational journey begins with a strong foundation.
For more information, please contact: Sunnybank Special School ECDP on (07) 3394 9444 or email Sandy on skins6@eq.edu.au