


At Sunnybank Special School, we implement the Australian Curriculum, which has resulted in a quality curriculum that caters for the varied needs and skills of our students. To implement the curriculum, the school has been divided into two sectors. Students from Prep to Year 10 (Early Years, Middle School and Junior Secondary) have been implementing the Australian Curriculum in English, Mathematics, Science, Geography and History along with Health and Physical Education, Visual Arts and Technology. Chinese is offered every second semester, as a Language other than English.

Each student also has an Individual Curriculum Plan (ICP), targeting specific educational goals, and is reviewed every six months.

The Senior School is targeted at students who are in years 11 and 12. Each student in the Senior School has a Senior Education and Transition Plan (SETP) that identifies goals for their senior schooling pathway. The SETP  is reviewed every six months. Students in this sector also participate in ASDAN certificates. Students can continue to study ASDAN subjects  in their post school life. At the completion of their schooling, students receive a Queensland Certificate of Individual Achievement from the Queensland Studies Authority.


Last reviewed 02 June 2023
Last updated 02 June 2023